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You’re Moments Away From Discovering the #1 Way to Target a Retirement Fortune From AI Phase 2...

Bundle Image: Everything you'll get when you becime a member today! Continue to learn more.


Right now, you are standing right on the doorstep of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

Because you’re moments away from discovering how to make an absolute fortune from AI Phase 2.

You see, what’s coming next for the AI market is all but inevitable.

With a record-setting 110 S&P 500 companies... 99% of ALL Fortune 500 companies... and half of all tech companies racing to adopt AI...

The AI industry is set to EXPLODE by 860% in the coming years...

“AI is going to enable the most massive productivity increase in our history,” a former fund manager of the year who manages $60 billion said. “The productivity gains are going to be astounding and shocking.”

And it’s projected to add over $200 trillion to the global economy by 2030...

And with one move now, you can get the biggest share of this eye-popping growth today.

You see, my #1 AI recommendation is already making more profit per customer than IBM, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud COMBINED...

And since the early stages of AI Phase 2, this company has...

  • Tripled the number of customers they have...
  • Secured a contract with guaranteed access to 3,100% more clients...
  • Partnered with Amazon Web Services in a deal that will give them access to Amazon’s huge list of more than 1 million active users.

And that’s why, according to my analysis...

With the ridiculous profit per customer they’re making alongside this BOOMING market...

Anyone who gets in today will have the best shot at helping build a retirement fortune.

And I don’t want you to miss out...

That’s why I want to send you my brand-new reports that tell you exactly how to strike while the iron’s hot and the company is relatively unknown – still sitting at just $15 a share.

Get All of My Brand-New Reports FREE

The first item I’ll send you is...

✔ No. 1: “The New AI Kingpin: How to Make a Retirement Fortune From the Next Phase of AI Adoption.”
(Value: $199)

The New AI Kingpin: How to Make a Retirement Fortune From the Next Phase of AI Adoption

I’ve identified the best company to make a retirement fortune from AI’s Phase 2. This report will explain, step by step, how you can buy this stock.

Remember, stocks that are speeding up AI’s Phase 2 adoption are already skyrocketing for big and fast gains of 508% in three months... 800% in three months... and even 1,400% in six months!

With this one little-known stock, I believe you will have one of the most explosive winners yet, as it is dominating the AI services of IBM, Google and Amazon – while being only $15 a share.

✔ No. 2: “The Fortune 500 AI Savior: Make a Potential 4,900% From a $2 Trillion Miracle”
(Value: $79)

The Fortune 500 AI Savior: Make a Potential 4,900% From a $2 Trillion Miracle

In this report, you’ll see the #1 AI company set to solve a $2 trillion software problem. In short, due to poor software integration, last year 99% of companies reported losing anywhere from $500,000 to $1 million in production. Some companies lost as much as $9,000 a minute!

But thanks to the “one-stop-shop solution” this AI company has created, over 3,000 companies can thrive again. Once word gets out about this new service... Look out!

Read this report for the ticker.

✔ No. 3: “The #1 AI Hypergrowth Stock: Your Second Shot at Apple, Amazon or Netflix”
(Value: $79)

The #1 AI Hypergrowth Stock: Your Second Shot at Apple, Amazon or Netflix

I’ve found an AI company that’s perfect for people who want to collect explosive gains in a very short time frame. Companies that hit hypergrowth, as Tesla, Google and Microsoft did, always have explosive gains that early investors can capitalize on – and this stock is in its hypergrowth phase right now!

All the details of this hypergrowth company are in this special report that I want you to have today.

✔ No. 4: Pillar One Advisors
(Value: $199)

Pillar One Advisors

With this exclusive bonus, you will receive access to a number of Pillar One Advisors ready to help you with...

  • Your banking and tax services needs
  • Little-known real estate investment ideas to boost your retirement income
  • Elite travel destinations and lifestyle services at discounted rates
  • And a whole lot more.

Total Value: $556!

And It’s All FREE Today With a Risk-Free Trial of The Oxford Communiqué

You’ll get all of the reports above, emailed directly to you – completely free – just for taking a risk-free trial membership of The Oxford Communiqué.

Every month I’ll be sending you recommendations for the best stocks on my radar, and you’ll have access to our five model portfolios.

With these portfolios in hand, you’ll discover...

  1. How to invest in “big game stocks” for safe, long-term gains
  2. How to allocate a portfolio across our recommendations to maximize your potential gains while minimizing risk...
  3. The most exciting investment opportunities in an emerging market – you’ll be among the first to get in on the market’s most explosive opportunities.

Because my goal is to help members build their financial freedom, whether that means more time with loved ones or even a second home at the beach...

So you can start to enjoy life as financial struggles simply crumble away.

And with each issue, you’ll receive my #1 pick that can help give you that financial freedom.

You’ll find that every recommendation is a stock with exploding revenue in a booming market...

And this same approach is already helping some of my happiest readers become rich.

Just take Ervin Upshaw, who said...

“My portfolio has grown about 200-fold over decades. I can say The Oxford Club and Alex have had a significant impact on my life, my best investment ever!”

Ervin Upshaw

Or Sam Langston, who told us...

“I love your service and wish I’d discovered it 20 years ago. That would have saved me $500,000.”

Sam Langston

And perhaps most impressively, Pat Douglas, who is now a multimillionaire, who said...

“Reader for 10 years. I started with $150,000. Today I have $3.5 million despite all my personal and family expenses.”

Pat Douglas

And I have many more success stories just like these.

That’s why I know your subscription will be extremely valuable for you...

Especially when you consider the price.

The retail price for The Oxford Communiqué is normally $249 per year.

But today, a subscription can be yours for just a fraction of the normal price.

Through this special offer only, new members can subscribe for only $49.

In other words, just $0.13 per day.

To recap, your no-risk subscription comes with the following...

As soon as you start your risk-free trial, everything listed above is yours to keep, no matter what.

Even if you cancel.

All you have to do is fill out the form.

And remember, with my guarantee, there’s no risk at all...


A headshot of Alex. His money-back guarantee follows...

You are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Your subscription to The Oxford Communiqué is refundable at any time during your first year if you ever decide you want to cancel... no matter the reason.

All the reports, complete with any picks or bonuses, are yours to keep.

Alex signature

In fact, I’ll throw in another bonus just to make the decision even easier.

Travel Benefits Through The Oxfordian Hotel Collection

shot of travel destinations at a members-only discount

At The Oxford Club, our mantra is “Great profits in the company of good friends.”

And we love to travel.

Through The Oxfordian Hotel Collection, you’ll receive exclusive, members-only discounts to seven stunning properties around the globe – and access to our Oxford Voyager Club concierge, who can help you get started.

The Oxford Club chooses these venues carefully, looking for places that are elegant, stylish and comfortable, and that offer unique VIP experiences.

We consider a wide range of locales and price points, and our favorites over the years have often been smaller boutique hotels, hidden gems and old-world style châteaus.

But that’s not all...

You’ll also get invitations to join me and other Club experts at five-star locations across the country for special investment conferences that are available ONLY to Oxford Club members...

I couldn't sweeten this offer any more if I tried!

And with the money we’re set to potentially make from AI Phase 2...

I’d say this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to target a retirement fortune...

And join a special club filled with people who are on a mission to achieve the same goal.

To get started...

Simply fill out the secure order form below...

And once you’re in, I can’t wait to welcome you inside.


Alexander Green

Editor, The Oxford Communiqué
Chief Investment Strategist, The Oxford Club
December 2023

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