An Oxford Club and Bill O’Reilly Special Broadcast:

Why You Should NEVER Bet Against America

How to Prosper Today in the Greatest Country in the World, Despite What the Media Tells You...

Bill: Welcome, everyone. Thanks for being with us. I’m Bill O’Reilly.

Today a special guest and I want to talk to you about something very important: achieving the American Dream. 

He and I recently filmed The Great American Wealth Project.

It’s been viewed online by millions. Many who watched took our advice and started a new journey. 

One that could lead to financial independence and the achievement of the American Dream.

What is the American Dream, exactly? Well, that’s the great part. It’s for you to decide... not me. 

Maybe it’s living in a great house in an incredible neighborhood. Maybe it’s seeing that your kids or grandkids are educated by the finest teachers in the best schools. Maybe it’s about traveling around the country – or around the world – and seeing all the places you’ve always dreamed of seeing.

Bottom line? It’s about having the ability to make important choices. It’s about living your life your way.

But let’s be realistic. These things take money. And many folks feel that they don’t have enough to truly live the American Dream.

Why is that?

Well, according to my guest – whom I’ll introduce in just a moment – and me, it’s at least partly because the corporate media presents a relentlessly negative picture of this great country.

It’s not only grossly inaccurate but also prevents people from realizing their potential, capitalizing on opportunities and living the American Dream.


Once we pull back the curtain on what the media is really doing – and show you the incredible things that are happening that you never hear about – it’s going to change the way you look at our country... and the world.

And not just in some theoretical way. Our goal is to not only emphasize what’s great about this country – including our amazing free market system – but also to show you the shortest, most direct route to total financial freedom.

And that can’t help but change your life for the better.

So let me introduce you to the man who’s responsible for showing hundreds of thousands of Americans how to achieve their financial goals.

He’s a four-time New York Times bestselling author...

He’s been a guest on The Factor...

He’s helped me make a lot of money.

His writing and research are direct, concise and straight to the point. (Even I can understand it.)

He is... Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist of The Oxford Club... America’s oldest financial think tank.

Alex is going to tell YOU about his #1 Stock in America right now.

Stick with us... you’ll have a chance to walk away with a lot of information...

Including a special blueprint Alex has created that includes his #1 Stock in America. It’s exclusively for folks viewing this presentation. 

Plus, there’ll be details on his proven three-step system to help fund your retirement.

Better yet, you’ll get a chance to claim my national bestseller The United States of Trump...

You don’t have to pay retail for it. Or shipping!

More details straight ahead. 

But first, it’s time to bring in Alexander Green. 

Alex, welcome. 

Alex: Bill, I’m glad to be here. I have to agree with you that we don’t hear much about American exceptionalism these days in the media. 

Go to The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN or MSNBC and it’s all about how awful everything is. 

And I, for one, have had enough of it. 

I’ve been following along with your Stand Up For Your Country campaign on, so I know you have too.

Bill: For months, the corporate media has pumped out the narrative that America is finished.

Gallup reported in June that only 42% of those polled say they are “extremely proud” to be American, the lowest percentage in two decades.

75% of Americans polled say the country is on the wrong track.

There is a sense among many that we are no longer an exceptional nation, that the country is in a downward spiral and the American Dream is over.

Alex, how do you respond to that?

Alex: It’s baloney, Bill.

The media sells pessimism, plain and simple.

As an investment strategist, I recognize the media for what it is: a business entity.

It’s advertising-driven.

Advertisers look to who has the biggest audience.

That’s why the media delivers the most sensational and the most appalling news...

The negative bias has been cranked up to the extreme.

Bill: I’ve never seen it this crazed before... why is that?

Alex: That’s because human beings are hard-wired to be hypersensitive to bad news.

It activates the “primal fear” portion of our brain, telling us to pay close attention.

The media knows this. So we click on their articles... we get outraged... we fight about it...

And the media sells advertising.

You know the saying “Everyone loves a good train wreck.”

Well, that’s today’s media for you in a nutshell.

They pour on the negativity... as thick as possible... because everything revolves around the almighty advertising dollar for them.

And in abandoning responsibility...

Abandoning unbiased news coverage...

The media is doing our country a gigantic disservice.

Because, as I wrote in that piece that you featured on, Bill, Americans are now living longer, richer, freer lives than at any time in history.

Bill: Yet most folks don’t know it. Here are a few things the media won’t tell you about...

  • Our standard of living – for the poor and middle class as well as the rich – has never been higher.
  • Educational attainment has never been greater.
  • The essentials of life (food, clothing, energy and shelter), in inflation-adjusted terms, have never been more affordable.
  • American life expectancy has never been higher. We’ve doubled lifespans since the 1800s, which might be the greatest achievement of the past century.
  • Our homes have never been larger.
  • All forms of pollution, including greenhouse gases, are in decline.
  • American agriculture is the envy of the world. Our farmers now grow five times as much corn as they did in the 1930s – on 20% less land.
  • For decades, experts warned us that we had to end “our addiction to foreign oil.” Yet thanks to new technologies, we are not just one of the world’s largest energy producers but a net exporter as well.
  • We are the world leader in technological innovation. The telephone, the television, the airplane and the internet were all invented here. So were blood transfusions and countless vaccines.

Alex: And that’s just the start.

Look at what’s happened with technology.

  • Computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones, which are revolutionizing our lives, have never been cheaper or more powerful.
  • Since 1950, approximately half of all Nobel Prizes awarded in the science fields have gone to Americans.
  • Americans are some of the most charitable people on earth. U.S. charitable donations hit a record $450 billion last year.
  • Americans are just 4.3% of the world’s population, yet we control nearly 30% of its annual wealth.
  • Our economy is #1 by a huge margin. It is larger than #2 and #3 – China and Japan – combined.

And here’s something the media completely overlooks.

While they bash Americans for not being leaders in the fight against the coronavirus, they completely ignore the fact that America’s free market system is likely going to be the one thing that solves this problem once and for all.

Look at what’s happening with biotech.

Thousands of the smartest scientists and doctors around the world are sharing data to treat the disease and create a vaccine.

Laboratories here and abroad scaled up production of experimental drugs to see if they show promise against the new coronavirus.

These companies also are rewarding investors who are betting on America in a big way.

Bill: And that brings up an important point, Alex.

While the media is constantly negative, the stock market seems to be very positive about America’s future.

Alex: That’s right.

Investors – people who are betting with their money – are clearly indicating that they think America has a bright future ahead.

And we know that because the stock market is forward-looking.

Investors aren’t buying stocks based on today’s or yesterday’s bad news, but rather based on their expectations of the future.

And those expectations are positively optimistic.

But don’t count on the media to come to a reckoning anytime soon.

Vox recently ran a story that said, “Everything is bad, and yet somehow the stock market is good.”

Bill: But they never stopped to think... maybe everything isn’t so bad?!

Alex: Bill, so much of what we’re seeing today in the media reminds me of what we experienced in 2008 during the Great Recession.

Every news story... every article...

Was about the roof caving in on America.

The media was saying the worst possible things at the BEST buying opportunity of our lifetimes.

But here’s the thing...

The people who tuned out the naysaying media... and bet on America amid the Recession, investing in great American businesses...

THEY were the ones who prospered... and created fortunes for themselves and their families.

That’s why most Americans look back to the Recession and think, “Why didn’t I buy stocks then?

But here’s the thing... great opportunities in the stock market are in front of us all over again.

Americans are completely blind to them, however, because the media is pumping them full of bad news. 

And that’s why I’m so glad we’re here today, Bill...

We can open folks’ eyes to the good that’s out there...

To the great wealth-building opportunities available now for those who recognize that America always comes out on top.

And I want to say one thing before we continue to talk about building wealth.

Becoming rich is not about showing off – building a mansion and driving a Lexus – though material rewards can be fun.

I think it’s important to talk about Thomas Jefferson’s famous alteration when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

He took John Locke’s words about the role of government in securing “life, liberty, and property.”

Jefferson made the change to “the pursuit of happiness.”

And I think it’s an important distinction.

Pursuing wealth by itself is a thankless task.

The real reason to pursue wealth is the freedom it gives you... and the happiness that comes from that freedom.

Wealth allows you to do and be what you want, to support worthy causes and help those closest to you.

Wealth enables you to follow your dreams, to spend your life the way you choose.

That’s why every man and woman should strive to achieve some level of financial freedom.

That’s what we’re trying to help people with today.

And the people who are going to do extremely well coming out of this year... are the ones who bet on America and invest in the companies that are delivering great products for the country.

Bill: Alex, I’ve been reading your work for nearly two decades...

It’s not that you guessed right about the market or had a lucky stock pick.

You’ve created a proven system and take a disciplined approach to the markets.

You have an optimistic outlook on America that I admire... a deep appreciation for great American ideals... and an everlasting belief in the future of business here in the greatest country in the world.

Simply put, it’s a pro-America approach... and it works.

Alex’s model portfolio beat the S&P over a 16 year period... through good and bad markets...

And he was recognized by The Wall Street Journal for outperforming the indexes... and delivering maximum-return, minimum-risk recommendations to his readers. And of course, I am one of them.

Your system certainly works for me and can work for everyone watching today.

I do have to ask you, though, about your optimistic approach...

What’s your response to those who say you’re overly optimistic and ignoring real problems in America?

Alex: Bill, I do want to make one thing clear.

I recognize that America isn’t perfect.

Yes, we have had missteps along the way and face no shortage of problems and challenges today. 

However, I try to understand problems in this country for what they can be...

Great opportunities.

Historically, companies that come up with solutions to big problems often produce gigantic returns for investors.

For example...

COVID-19 became a worldwide plague. That was a real problem.

But the opportunity became the hunt for the vaccine and treatments... as thousands of the world’s smartest scientists and doctors jumped on the case.

One company I targeted very early was Moderna.

It’s now in its final phase of human trials of its vaccine.

Moderna is a stock I recommended to a small circle of my top readers.

When I first wrote about it in Februrary, it was trading for just $23. But within months, it was over $69 a share.

This is just one of a number of stocks my readers have done very well with, even during the pandemic.

Quidel Corporation was another. It too is a company involved in the global fight against the pandemic.

I recommended to a small group of my readers that they buy at $79 on March 16.

My readers were looking at a double-digit win by April 8.

Then, on May 8, the FDA issued the company the first emergency use authorization for a COVID-19 antigen test.

By July 24 the stock hit an all-time high of $255 a share.

Cancer is another big problem in the United States. It’s the second-leading cause of death, right behind heart disease.

Last September, Bill, as I was alongside you for The Great American Wealth Project, I told folks about a revolutionary new cancer diagnostics company.

I let folks know that this company was creating ways for doctors to target cancer cells very early, before they’re a threat.

That company was Neogenomics, and it was $20 a share at the time.

It was up to $37 at last check, a near-double in 11 months.

Bill: And my understanding is there is another stock right now that you are really excited about, correct?

 Alex: That’s right. It’s my #1 Stock in America.

It’s got the solution for communications infrastructure in this country.

As the runaway leader in the 5G rollout...

It’s got its hands in everything. In fact, it just rolled out its latest custom infrastructure chip... and hammered out new deals with Nokia and Samsung to stay a step ahead in the crazed demand for 5G. 

Things are going so well that it just raised revenue guidance for the year.

I’d like to give folks details on this stock in just a minute.

Alexander Green, Picking Huge Stock Winners Since 2001

Bill: Folks, Alex is famous for predicting the success of some of the biggest stock winners in history... Apple, Netflix and Amazon... just to name a few.

And he’s one of the most respected stock pickers on the planet.

In fact, in preparation for this event... we went back and looked at his track record.

And here’s what we found.

By following Alex Green’s recommendations at The Oxford Club from the time he took over as Chief Investment Strategist in 2001 through to today...

His Oxford Communiqué recommendations could’ve turned a $150K portfolio into a $1.25 MILLION portfolio.

By comparison, that same $150K in the S&P 500 would have turned into only $534,000.

That’s $716,000 MORE you could have made by following Alex.

It’s complete outperformance. One is a millionaire’s portfolio.

The other is not even close.

And as you’ll see in today’s program, even if you’re starting with a much smaller amount, Alex has a proven track record of helping people retire rich.

But here’s what I love most about Alex.

He doesn’t just give moneymaking recommendations.

The guy is a prolific investor himself – and some of his personal wins will blow you away.

You’ll see some of his personal investments coming up.

OK, Alex. Here’s another fact the mainstream media won’t tell you.

They want you to believe nobody gets ahead anymore except the billionaires.

But the truth is, almost 2,000 people become NEW millionaires every single week in America.

So, Alex, let me first ask you... why is it that the United States is creating so many new millionaires?

Alex: Simply put, we live in the most prosperous country in the world.

And even when times are bad, the whole world wants to invest in America because we have the most robust and profitable economic system in the world.

The fact is, people who invest in America – from teachers and nurses to accountants and construction workers – end up winning big in the long run.

Take a look at a company like Square, founded right here in America.

You’ve almost certainly paid for something using its little square technology attached to an iPad or iPhone.

If you’ve been to a farmer’s market or a coffee shop in the last few years, you’ve probably seen this.

Thousands of small businesses use Square to take credit card payments.

It’s now gone global, and people all over the world use its technology.

It’s a common story in America.

Our people develop something new and game-changing, and they get rich when it spreads across the globe.

The company’s stock shot up an extraordinary 1,200% over the last four years...

You could’ve turned every $1K into about $13,000...

And every $10K into $130,000.

Now... no matter whether you are young or old... rich or poor... man or woman...

If you own shares in a stock like Square, you can collect the exact same gains as anyone else who owns the stock.

Whether you are a billionaire or a janitor, your rate of return going forward is going to be the same.

That’s the beauty of America’s economic system.

Let’s look at another American company... Restoration Hardware.

It creates top-of-the-line home furnishings.

Restoration stock was trading for about $30 a share in 2016.

As the economy and the real estate market soared, so did Restoration.

From $30, it topped $300 a share this year.

Atpyical, sure, but smart investors who recognize stocks like these are making out like bandits.

Bill: OK, but many of the “woke” folks on the left would say that only the rich truly make money from these stocks.

Alex: Well, that’s true.

One person who got rich is Restoration CEO Gary Friedman.

But he didn’t start out rich.

He grew up without a dad. Went to a community college.

Started out as a stock boy at The Gap – but always had a passion to build something great.

He started running a little-known furniture store... started building a great product and winning over customers... and he ultimately turned it into a massively successful business.

That’s America for you!

In fact, he believed so much in this economy that he poured his own money into shares of Restoration.

Friedman purchased 33,000 shares at $27 in July 2016...

And he just kept on buying along the way. He bought 4,600 more shares when the stock hit $70...

He bought 25,000 more shares when it hit $71...

And he bought 10,000 more shares when the stock hit $97.

It’s now more than $280 a share.

In total, the $4 million in shares he bought over the past few years would be worth more than $20 million today.

Bill: But, Alex, what about the average guy?

Alex: Well, that’s the thing. Again, it’s why it pays to BET ON AMERICA.

Anyone investing alongside a guy like Friedman can get rich too.

You can get the exact same returns as Friedman, Amazon chairman Jeff Bezos or Microsoft founder Bill Gates. 

If you own their stock, you’ll get the same rate of return as the world’s richest men. Sure, they may own a few more shares than you do, but the percentage returns are EXACTLY the same. And they’re available to anyone.

In the case of Restoration Hardware, if you rode it from $30 to $280... you could have turned every $3,000 into $28,300 in just four years.

Now, of course, gains like these are rare, but as history shows us, they are possible.

Since 2001, the plays I’ve recommended had an average gain of 21%, with an average holding time of just under a year and a half.

But too often, regular investors just don’t know what to do.

Bill: Why is that? What’s keeping regular folks from getting rich?

Alex: One reason is a basic lack of financial literacy. Schools don’t teach it, and most parents don’t know enough to instruct their kids either.

But the #1 reason is that the media is FAILING at its job to inform the public about the incredible wealth-building opportunities that are available right now in our country.

The media scares the hell out of people, to the point where they’re afraid to put their money in the markets.

And the average bank currently pays just 0.05% on deposits. At that rate, your savings will double in just...144,000 years. Clearly, no one is getting rich that way.

As a result... there are three major problems facing most Americans:


Surveys show that fewer people are currently invested in stocks now than BEFORE the financial crisis in 2008.

Bill: Interesting stat.

We went through the greatest bull market in history, yet HALF of Americans sat on the sidelines.

Alex, I think for a lot of people it’s because they don’t have the skills you do in the markets.

They are afraid to invest because they don’t know how to pick great stocks.

According to Forbes, over a 30-year period, regular investors made only 1.9% per year.

They aren’t even coming close to keeping up with the market.

But on the other hand, your average yearly return since 2001 is nearly double the S&P.

Alex: There’s no doubt people could do MUCH better if the media and our education system actually taught them how to invest properly.

But that’s why I became the Chief Investment Strategist at The Oxford Club.

My passion has always been to help give all Americans the tools they need to retire with all the money they need to live a financially free life, where they live without concern.

Bill: And that is a lot of money they need, Alex.

According to one Schwab report, retirees will need as much as $1.7 million in order to make sure they don’t run out of money.

So how do you do that?

Alex: There’s only one surefire way to retire wealthy in America.

And that’s by owning shares in a breakout business that’s crushing sales records... creating innovative products... and rewarding investors with massive paydays.

Sometimes, just ONE great company... ONE single stock... can transform your finances.

I’ve proven that several times over with my own investing.

And I’ve got the details on the new #1 Stock in America right now.

Bill: Our viewers will get the chance to get the details on your #1 stock as part of the “Great American Wealth Blueprint”... a guide Alex has put together to help people get started building the wealth they need.

They’ll also receive a three-step system designed by Alex to help fund a nest egg..

Plus, they can receive a copy of my book The United States of Trump

Now, I’m not sure that’s a great deal for me, but you’ll like it.

That’s coming up.

Great Investing Comes Down to One Thing and One Thing Only...

But, Alex, to get back to what you were just saying... what I take away from it is this:

Great investing comes down to one thing...

Buying up shares of great companies that create breakthrough products for millions of people...

And watching the profits come to you.

Alex: Yes. The rich know this. They’ve made millions by investing in great companies during the good times, and even more by investing during the tough times when stocks are cheap.

Look at Bill Ackman and his investment in Chipotle. He saw millions of people lining up all across America. So the billionaire hedge fund manager started investing in Chipotle.

He and his Pershing Square Capital Fund bought it at $359 a share in December 2016...

The stock is more than $1,100 today.

A funny headline recently on Bloomberg read...

“Bill Ackman has made about $730 MILLION betting on burritos.”

Bill: This is really the essence of income inequality, isn’t it? The rich are investing in great companies like Chipotle, while most Americans are getting left out.

Alex: You’re exactly right. Mark Grinblatt, a finance professor at UCLA's Anderson School of Management, studied this...

He said there is income inequality because – and I quote...

There is a group of people who participated in the stock market over a period where it nearly tripled, and theres another group of people who didnt.

It’s that simple.

Let me give you a perfect example of one person who did choose to participate rather than sit on the sidelines.

I think this will help explain the difference.

That person is me.

Let me tell you about one stock I uncovered around 2005. 

I’ll never forget the day I saw a bright-red envelope in my neighbor’s hand.

My neighbor was putting it in his mailbox.

I asked him, “What’s that?”

“You haven’t heard about Netflix?” he responded.

And then he gushed about the online video rental company that delivered movies right to your doorstep and DID NOT charge late fees.

Now... like everyone else, I personally hated getting hounded by Blockbuster to pay late fees.

One late movie could cost you more than buying the damn thing outright... you remember that?

Bill: I do. I remember that really well.

Alex: But I have a unique approach to investing.

Whenever I hear about a new company that everybody is raving about... I don’t immediately become a customer.

Instead, I became a Netflix investor.

It didn’t take much. Just over $5,000. After all, Netflix was still trading for a split-adjusted $2 a share back then.

But today, with Netflix trading for up over $480, I still hold every share – with no plans to sell.

That stock alone is more than enough for me to retire on.

And it was just one stock. That’s all it took.

Bill: It’s a good point you make here, Alex.

If everyone had done what you did, we’d have millions more rich people in America.

Alex: That’s right. If each of Netflix’s customers had put just $1,000 into Netflix in 2002, they’d all have an extra $486,000 today.

Bill: To me, that gets us back to the income inequality issue. And I think that’s where our education system fails us.

Our kids know how to download Netflix onto an iPad. They know how to search for movies and TV shows.

But they don’t know the first thing about how to make money by investing in Netflix.

Alex: Which is too bad, because the few investors who did buy Netflix, like me, made a fortune.

That’s the power of a single great stock.

So just to quickly sum it up...

If you can identify those great companies that are bringing in millions of customers, creating new breakthrough ideas and breaking revenue records... you absolutely can retire rich.

Now, I recently uncovered a stock that really reminds me of Netflix when I first bought shares of it years ago.

The Criteria of a “Perfect Stock”...

Bill: Essentially, what you’re looking for here is a “perfect stock,” right? So what makes up a perfect stock?

Alex: Well, there are a number of criteria that, taken together, are a recipe for great success in the stock market.

  1. The “perfect stock” would be a leader in cutting-edge technology that changes the way we live... just like Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and, yes, Netflix.
  2. It would have breakthrough products used by millions of customers around the world.
  3. Patents and trademarks would protect its profit margins.
  4. It would have hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, in future sales and profits – not just expected, but contractually guaranteed.
  5. It would be relatively undiscovered and trading for a very low price.

Bill: And the new stock you’re recommending meets all those criteria?

Alex: Yes, it does.

First of all, my new #1 Stock in America is operating in the fastest-growing and most exciting sector in the markets today.

I’m talking about the $17 trillion 5G revolution, which is going to be one of the biggest investment opportunities of our lifetimes...

5G will make wireless technology so lightning-quick it’ll make your head spin... It’s 100 times faster than current 4G networks.

For example, a full-length HD movie can be downloaded on your phone or laptop on a 5G network in just six seconds... compared with the seven minutes it takes on 4G right now...

Or the one hour it takes on the outdated 3G markets.

Right now, telecom operators are spending $1.7 trillion on equipment upgrades in order to implement 5G from coast to coast. 

South Korea, the United States and Japan are rolling it out as we speak.

Bill: We’re seeing 5G everywhere, Alex.

Actually, the first 5G network in the United States was just launched a few miles from where we are now in New York City.

There’s no doubt this is a huge growth area for the economy.

Alex: That’s right. We’re looking at trillions of dollars flowing into the companies putting the network in place.

And that gets me to my #1 Stock in America right now.

The company is perhaps the linchpin of the entire 5G network...

It makes the 5G microchips necessary for the entire system to work.

To put it bluntly... any business that wants to be involved in the coming 5G revolution needs this company’s product.

And the big businesses are lining up.

For example, you will find this company’s microchips in Google’s 5G Chromecast... Samsung’s Galaxy 5G smartphones... and Audi’s mobile 5G Wi-Fi hotspots.

Without this company, none of those businesses could implement 5G.

The company also just did a deal with SoftBank Group, whose founder is billionaire Masayoshi Son.

Bill: Son is one of the 50 richest people in the world.

Through SoftBank, he made a $20 million investment in Alibaba back in 1999. And it’s now worth some $116 billion.

He made huge money on Uber, WeWork, DoorDash and several others.

According to CNN Money, Masayoshi Son “is pursuing bold, almost brash, deals designed to keep SoftBank at the center of any trend he believes will fundamentally shape the world.”

Let me restate that... he’s pursuing deals at the center of any trend that will “fundamentally shape the world.”

And now this billionaire is targeting the 5G company you’re recommending?

Alex: He is.

I think he’s probably seeing the same potential I am.

He recognizes that 5G is in fact one of those trends that will reshape the world.

However – and this is the good news for our viewers – this trend is just beginning. My 5G company’s founder says we’re not even in the “first inning yet.”

And I’ll tell you, he’s not kidding.

This company’s microchips will soon be found in 2.3 BILLION products worldwide.

We’re already seeing this company’s 5G microchips used in the Internet of Things, automotive technology and big data, processing storage, networking and security...

It’s in routers, switches, appliances, data storage and servers... It’s in circuits and adapters too. 

Bill: So what you’re saying is that this company matches your first two criteria... It is certainly a leader in cutting-edge technology.

And its microchips are found in products that millions of consumers are buying.

But how can you be sure that another company won’t swoop in and take over its market?

Alex: Well, that’s my third criterion.

I want the companies I recommend to have patents that protect them.

And this company has 10,000 patents to protect its intellectual property – and, perhaps more importantly, its profit margins.

Because of that, sales are skyrocketing.

It’s got $1.7 BILLION coming in after signing a new deal with NXP Semiconductors.

And it’s sitting on $500 million right now that its CEO says it’s prepared to distribute to shareholders. You want to be in before that happens!

Bill: That’s your fourth criterion, billions of dollars in sales.

Alex: Correct.

And finally, we have the fifth criterion: We want it to be unknown, with a cheap share price.

Now, I’d be shocked if 1 in 1,000 people knew this company’s name.

It’s not a household name... yet.

Which is why it’s available right now at a great price.

Now, I’ve written up a full-length report detailing exactly how you can profit from this stock.

And I am prepared to send copies of it to everyone watching so they can get in right away.

Because I can tell you now, if you want to retire rich... it’s finding these single stocks with great fundamentals that are going to get you there.

You Could Get Incredibly Wealthy on Just $20 a Week...

Bill: OK, Alex... I know your report will come as part of the Great American Wealth Blueprint, along with my new book. We’re giving everyone the chance to claim the blueprint at the end of the broadcast.

But a lot of people out there don’t feel they have the money to invest. And many more just don’t know which stocks to invest in.

What do you say to them?

Alex: Well, in some cases that’s true, but what I love about the stock market is that if you find the right stocks... you don’t need to be rich to change your life.

You can actually do it with as little as $20 a week.

For example, if you had put the equivalent of just $20 a week into a few of the top-performing stocks of the past decade...

You’d have made $117,377 in 10 years on Exact Sciences...

$108,041 on MGP Ingredients...

And $197,920 on Patrick Industries.

Hindsight is of course 20/20, but again, those fortunes could’ve been created over just a 10-year time frame on each play...

Bill: I know that when I started out investing, I had nothing...

Zero dollars and zero idea exactly what I was supposed to do with the money I was making.

But my dad always taught me to save at least 10%.

That was some of the best advice I ever got.

I was putting myself and my future first.

And $20 a week certainly seems like something our audience can handle.

Let me ask you this... how expensive is your #1 Stock in America?

Alex: It trades for about $35.

Bill: Is that too expensive?

Alex: No. Actually, $35 is a great low price.

It’s almost exactly what I paid when I bought Amazon back in 2005.

Bill: I can imagine what those shares are worth today. The stock has topped $3,200 a share.

Alex: Yeah, that’s right.

It’s actually up 9,000% since I bought it.

When a stock goes up that much, you don’t need to put much in.

And the 5G megastock I’m recommending now has the same sort of upside potential.

Bill: Alex, there’s no question that finding a great stock can help our viewers make a lot of money.

But the fact is... stocks like Amazon, Netflix, Square and others don’t come around very often.

Obviously, you have had some good luck in identifying them.

My question is, how do you know when to pull the trigger – get out or get in – on these stocks?

It’s important to emphasize there are no guarantees in the markets, Alex.

Alex: Correct. But having a plan is always better than no plan at all.

The first step is always making sure a company I’m recommending meets the criteria I laid out earlier.

But then, the next part is almost as important.

I’m always looking for a big upcoming catalyst that’s going to make the company a household name.

Some of these catalysts that propel stocks are... for instance...

  • The launch of a revolutionary new product
  • A surprise earnings beat (a great report can kick a stock into overdrive)
  • New deals (signing contracts with other companies can mean guaranteed revenue for years to come)
  • New leadership (just as every sports franchise needs a great coach, every company needs a great leader, and a great new executive hire can launch a stock)
  • The launch of an entire new type of technology.

Apple’s a great example.

It launched a brand-new product, the iPod, in 2001.

In a 10-year span, Apple sold more than 300 million iPods.

The launch of that groundbreaking product propelled Apple stock higher for years and years.

I picked up a few hundred shares myself back in the mid-1990s for less than $1 per share, split-adjusted.

And I still hold every share.

My retirement has been built on finding just a few powerful stocks early, long before they became household names...

And quite often, it’s not even the big names that give you the biggest paydays.

The best stock of the past 20 years actually wasn’t Apple...

Or Netflix, or Amazon.

It was Monster Beverage. 

Monster was the first company to ever launch an energy drink in a 16-ounce can back in 2002.

As simple as that sounds, that new product launch was a major catalyst.

Today, you can find Monster beverages in almost every single gas station and grocery store across the United States.

You could’ve made 70,000% gains on its stock over the past two decades.

That’s enough to turn every $1,000 into $700,000.

Now, these are some of the top historical examples, but there are opportunities like this out there, Bill.

Bill: Monster Beverage, if I had only known. So is there a big launch or an upcoming catalyst for the stock you are recommending now?

A Coming Catalyst Could Launch This Opportunity Even Higher...

Alex: Absolutely...

And it’s perhaps the biggest global catalyst we’ll see over the next decade.

I’m talking, of course, about the global 5G rollout.

Look at these mammoth projections...

One study estimates that the number of 5G connections will grow from 37 million in 2020 to 500 million in 2022 to 1.3 billion the next year.

And the 5G company in my crosshairs is involved in EVERYTHING related to the rollout.

The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts 5G-related spending will grow at a compound annual rate of 118% through 2022...

So the company is perfectly positioned to take advantage of this opportunity for a long time.

Bill: I’ve been following the 5G story pretty closely. It’s my job as a journalist to follow it.

And one of the most interesting things to me is how these little 5G devices are going to be everywhere. My dry cleaner has one.

The 5G small cell antennas are going to be found on street lights, utility poles, bus stops, sides of buildings, mailboxes. Everywhere!

Alex: That’s right. And this one company’s microchips are likely to be found in all of those devices.

Remember, we’re talking about 2.3 billion products containing this company’s microchips.

It’s massive.

Again, I’ve got all the details on this company... including the ticker symbol and how to buy it... in a special report that everyone watching today can receive.

It’s called How to Profit From the #1 5G Megastock.”

And our audience can get it as part of the Great American Wealth Blueprint.

Bill: Now, Alex, I’ve been following your investment recommendations for a long time. I think you do a good job of identifying the key reasons stocks go up in value.

But you’re not always perfect. No one is.

However, more often than not, you seem to find the big winners.

Here’s one from just around the time I first started following your work. Your December 2003 newsletter featured a cancer-fighting company called Celgene bursting onto the scene.

You saw the results of an ongoing Harvard study on one of its prized drugs.

You predicted a “wonderful opportunity” for investors.

Months later, Celgene won a key approval from the FDA.

Celgene then went on to become one of the most epic runs in stock market history.

Alex: Yes, it’s gone from around $5 to up over $140 a share at its peak.

My readers made an official 394% on it in four years...

One reader who took our Celgene recommendation wrote to say...

My original $25,000 investment [in 2003] generated more than $800,000 in total, and I'm still holding a good chunk of it [in 2017]... What I still hold is now up 2,440%.

There’s no telling just how much total profit he’ll make when it’s all said and done.

Maybe a million-plus...

Bill: You also recommended Intuitive Surgical when it was under $3 a share.

Alex: Oh yeah, this was a big one.

Bill: Your headline read...

“We’re Bullish on Robotic Surgery... And You Should Be, Too.”

The company was way ahead of the curve. Within eight months of your recommendation, Intuitive Surgical won FDA approval for robotic procedures.

It’s exploded from about $3 in 2004 to around $500 a share today. 

Alex: Bill, that was another life-changing experience for my readers.

I got a chance to meet one reader, Sean Collins, who made more than a million dollars from this single stock recommendation.

Bill: We’ve got Sean on video... Here’s what he had to say...

“[Alex] recommended it when it was $45 a share. I bought it five times. I made a MILLION-TWO on the fifth time.” (1,000%-plus gains from 2004 to 2019.)

Alex: A “million-two.” How about that?

And that’s just one extraordinary play. Since 2001, our plays have averaged a 21% return.

My reccomendations could’ve turned a $150K portfolio into $1.25 million.

Bill: Impressive.

Create YOUR Legacy, Starting Today

Alex: But that’s not all...

The reason I’m such a big proponent of finding that one stock that changes everything is not so people can count it all up in their bank accounts.

It’s simply because of the impact this money has on people’s lives.

Sean says he’s been able to create a charitable foundation.

He says his five children and his grandchildren will benefit significantly from this stock too.

That’s creating a family legacy, which I know is very important to most people.

Bill: It is to me, and I’m here because I want more people like Sal to prosper. As you know, Alex, I’ve personally also done well following your recommendations.

I have made money on your Diageo, Nordstrom and AT&T recommendations, among others.

You also recommended Berkshire Hathaway B Shares around the time I joined as well.

Alex: Berkshire Hathaway B Shares... that was one of my earliest recommendations I made at the Club nearly 20 years ago. 

Bill O’Reilly: “I made a lot of dough!”

Bill: I made a lot of money... in an honest way... which is very important. I took the risk. I bought Alex’s recommendation.

And I’m still holding it all today.

Look at that rocket ride of a stock chart.

That thing is straight up.

Alex, these are the types of great investments you recommend.

Alex: Well, I try to.

There’s always risk, and things don’t always work out perfectly.

Yet I’ve certainly had a lot of success with this system over the years.

I know the future isn’t guaranteed. That’s why it’s so important to block out the noise and just focus on the best-of-the-best companies.

No matter what is going on in the economy... no matter what the Fed chooses to do with interest rates... no matter what sort of economic ordeal or political strife is happening out there in the world...

Even in market downturns, the GREATEST OF COMPANIES generally do well.

He’s Called the Millionaire-Maker for a Reason...

Bill: Alex, I know I’ve enjoyed following your work.

But before sitting down with you today, I wanted to hear from some of your readers about their experiences.

Here’s what they had to say:

Pat Douglas:

“Reader for 10 years. I started with $150,000. Today I have $3.5 million despite all my personal and family expenses over this whole period. All of that growth was due to the recommendations I got from The Oxford Club.”

Sandra Hubbert: 

“My husband and I have been Members of The Oxford Club for about 30 years. With the help of the Communiqué and what we learned, my husband was confident that we could take an early retirement (55)... If not for what we learned from the Communiqué, we probably would not have had the confidence or courage to invest in our future. Due to our decision, we have been able to live very comfortably.”

Alex: This is what it’s all about, helping people thrive in America.

Bill: Obviously, people have done well.

But that’s all in the past, Alex.

Today, with the Great American Wealth Blueprint you’ve put together... you’re giving people the chance to get in on the types of stocks that change people’s lives.

Alex Reveals His Top Three Stocks for You...

Alex: That’s right.

Now, the first company I’ve already talked about today.

It’s the 5G megastock that is my #1 Stock in America right now.

It meets each of my five criteria.

  1. It’s got cutting-edge technology and is a Top 100 Global Innovator.
  2. It’s distributed not just millions, but billions, of products worldwide.
  3. It’s got 10,000 patents protecting its intellectual property.
  4. It’s racking up deals with major tech firms like Samsung, Google, SoftBank Group and NXP Semiconductors to ensure more than $1 billion in future revenue.
  5. And yet it’s almost entirely undiscovered, and trading for around $35.

Bottom line: If there was ever one individual stock that could help fund your retirement, this could be it.

Bill: So, Alex, are you going to tell us the name of this company?

Alex: Unfortunately, I can’t do that... it’s just too cheap to give out to everyone.

But I’ve created a special report, “How to Profit From the #1 5G Megastock,” that contains the complete details, including the stock ticker.

It will go out to every viewer who signs up to receive the Great American Wealth Blueprint.

And I want to be clear: Once you have the details on the stock, only invest what you can afford to lose. It’s important to be smart with your money. 

Bill: Very important.

Now, is this the only company you’re recommending folks buy?

Or are there others?

Alex: It’s my favorite one, that’s for sure. But there are actually two more profit-packed stocks that I’d like to get people the details on...

The second company that could make you a fortune is a cancer-fighting company.

It’s attacking one of the biggest problems impacting the entire human race...


This company is attacking cancer in an entirely new way...

With electricity.

It’s the very first company to use electric fields to stop tumor growth and potentially kill cancer cells entirely.

Better yet, this revolutionary technique spares healthy tissue and helps patients avoid the nasty side effects of existing therapies.

Already, it’s having an impact on 18 different tumors.

And it has received the coveted FDA approval for glioblastoma, mesothelioma and lung cancer treatments.

Also, studies are underway with other brain cancers, as well as pancreatic, ovarian, liver and lung cancers, with key results due over the next few months.

So that’s criterion #1 – it’s certainly a leader in cutting-edge technology.

The market for cancer therapy is projected to rise by 8.4% (compounded annually) to $220 billion by 2025... and keep growing.

In other words, it meets criterion #2 –it has the potential to help millions of people.

This company also holds 145 patents to protect its technology.

For example, one patent is for an apparatus for selectively destroying dividing cells in living tissue by using electricity.

The company’s executive chairman simplifies it like this: “Instead of one [cancer cell] becoming two... one becomes zero.”

Another patent protects the company’s brand-new method for combining light inside the body with electricity for a simultaneous positive effect.

That’s criterion #3.

And the money is now rolling in.

Sales are up 42% this past year... and the company just recorded its first-ever $100 million quarter in March 2020.

Net profits are up 45%...

And it’s got more than $330 million in cash on hand, up 29%.

In short, it’s making a ton of money.

And it just signed a monster new deal with pharma giant Merck to treat lung cancer. This little company is just now hitting the map.

That’s criterion #4 – hundreds of millions in sales.

Finally, #5... this company is unknown, and trading for cheap.

99.9% of investors don’t know its name.

One popular site calls it “the fastest-growing cancer company you’ve never heard of.”

But it’s perfectly positioned to take advantage of the massive growth that lies ahead in this sector.

Another popular investor site says this company’s stock is wildly undervalued at its current price... and expects it to jump by 143% in the coming years.

Bill: And it’s not an expensive stock?

Alex: No, not at all.

Bill: And the last one?

Alex: The third company is a leading next-gen cybersecurity firm.

It provides protection to more than 6,000 businesses worldwide, including the top global banks, retailers, pharmaceutical companies and research universities.

There’s a gigantic need for cyber protection today...

According to McAfee and the Center for Strategic and International Studies, cybercrime costs the world an estimated $600 billion annually. (That's equal to almost 1% of global GDP.)

So it’s a huge problem, and this company has the solutions.

In fact, it just won a coveted Product of the Year Award for its advanced email protection.

So it checks the first box – it’s leading the way in cutting-edge technology.

And it also passes that second test...

It’s developed breakthrough products needed by millions.

Its technology is backed by 62 patents.

So that’s criterion #3.

And of course, the company is locking up future deals left and right.

Each contract averages between 15 and 22 months... as the company seeks to surpass $1 billion in revenue for the first time this year.

That’s a true landmark for a breakout stock.

Forbes says this company’s new products has taken it to the next level, expanding its total addressable market by 71% to a total of $12 billion.

But it is on the verge of getting much bigger.

According to a report from Gartner, $124 billion will be spent globally on cybersecurity services this year.

So obviously, this company matches criterion #4... hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, in sales. 

Bill: So is the price reasonable?

Alex: Yes, and it’s undervalued. 

And Bill, here’s the great thing... cybersecurity stocks can be really explosive.

Fortinet ran from $26 a share in 2016 to $145 in 2020.

CrowdStrike went from $39 to $113 in 2020 alone...

And Palo Alto Networks, ran up from $40 in 2013 to $250 a share in 2019.

And sure enough, this new company I’m recommending now recently locked in a strategic partnership with Palo Alto.

Simply put, this is a breakout stock that could really help your retirement.

Alex Is Prepared to Give You All the Important Details on These Three Special Companies!

Bill: So how do people get all the details on these companies, with ticker symbols and buy instructions?

Alex: As I mentioned, I’ve prepared three special reports that include the names and ticker symbols of these stocks... and which also include easy-to-follow “Buy Now” instructions.

The first report is on my #1 Stock in America. It’s called...

“How to Profit From the #1 5G Megastock.”

The second is on a cancer-fighting biotech. It’s called...

“How to Make a Fortune From This Electric Cancer-Fighter”

And the third is my favorite play on financial technology. It’s called...

“The Top Cyber-Protector in a $124 Billion Market.”

And these reports are all included in the Great American Wealth Blueprint.

Bill: And as part of the Great American Wealth Blueprint, which everyone can receive today, you’ll also get my book The United States of Trump.


Alex has created an additional video series to send you, Three Steps to Help Turbocharge Your Portfolio, in which he lays out his entire wealth-building strategy.

If you don’t know the first thing about creating a portfolio... you’ll get the paint-by-numbers instructions on how to do it, simply and safely.

Now, Alex has promised me our viewers will get everything in this Great American Wealth Blueprint straight ahead.

But first, I have another question for you, Alex...

How can you be sure the markets won’t go into a tailspin and that the stocks you are recommending won’t get hammered?

Alex: No one has a crystal ball, and we’ve had some losing positions from time to time in the past.

So there are no guarantees.

That’s just part of investing.

But these three particular stocks I believe are some of the best I’ve ever researched.

I believe they will perform well in any market.

And even if the markets do turn against us, we also recommend a system to get people OUT in extreme situations.

We set up what we call Safety Switch Alerts for our readers to alert them to get out before any big losses. This allows us to have strictly limited downside risk, with unlimited upside potential.

For example, when the Great Recession struck, this system was triggered. And rather than getting out with major losses... we ended up closing 45 plays for an average gain of 28%. This is in 2008, when the market declined 36%.

Our average holding time was less than two years on each stock.

And as I said, the market was down dramatically in that period.

Bill: Impressive. Not to mention, you were one of the first financial gurus to tell people to get back in at the bottom.

I remember at the beginning of 2009, you sent out a message to all of us following your work, saying...

“2009 will be a terrible year for the economy. But, shocking and surprising most investors, it should be an excellent year for the stock market.”

The market went on to jump 65% by year’s end.

Alex: That’s true.

I’m a big believer in the idea that when you do get out of the market, you shouldn’t do it for long.

And we jumped right back in at the perfect time.

Reader Joe Martin of California wrote to tell us he made more than $1.3 million thanks to our research.

“The bottom in 2008 was $1.4 million. Yesterday [in 2012] I was at $2.7 million.”

Bill: And, Alex, you also issued a similar statement during the COVID-19 crash.

On March 24 – the exact bottom of the market after stocks dropped 30% in a stunning crash – you sent a note to your readers saying that it was “time to load up again.” I remember this very vividly.

And to “start getting back into stocks in a major way... ”

If they wanted to position themselves to compound their money, that is.

Alex: Bill, anytime I have the chance to bet on America at cheap prices, I take it.

We live in the greatest country in the world, no matter what the media says.

And by betting on America, we’ve done very well. Since I sent out that message in March, we saw the market shoot up 45% in four months.

Bill O’Reilly: A Paying Reader of Alexander Green’s Work Since 2003

Bill: Now, I’ve been reading Alex’s work myself since 2003.

I’m a happy reader. A LIFETIME reader. And for me, that’s pretty good! I’m not real flamboyant

And I trust Mr. Green. It’s the ONLY financial newsletter I subscribe to.

That’s because it’s clear, concise, award-winning research...

The stock selections are well thought out.

And again, I’ve done well.

Everything is manageable. That’s very important to me.

Let me tell a personal story about how I discovered it. And why I came to be a big believer in Alex and his publication, The Oxford Communiqué.

When I started investing many years ago... my portfolio was FLAT.

I was determined to save as much as I could... and put it toward retirement.

10% here... 10% there... every paycheck. That’s what my father taught me, and I always followed it.

As I started making bigger money, I had trouble finding investment experts I could trust.

Some of the guys I followed led me to investments that went bankrupt, like Global Crossing.

Others would recommend 120 stocks. I mean, come on. Impossible to follow!

And other guys would suddenly disappear when you needed them most.

This sort of thing is common on Wall Street...

Look what happened to my pal Billy Joel.

We were both rowdy guys from the same neighborhood on Long Island.

As soon as he got famous, he hired Wall Street so-called experts to manage his money, and they robbed him blind.

Big court lawsuits followed.

I knew from what happened to Billy – and from my own experience – that I didn’t want to trust Wall Street money managers who don’t have my interests at heart.

I made the decision that I would be the one controlling my own money – with a little help from a small inner circle of guys and gals I trust.

Then I started hearing about Alex Green in 2003. So I investigate him like I investigate everything

What I liked about him... first of all, he kept the recommendations manageable. I could understand them.

Not 120. More like 20.

I also loved that Alex emphasized that “Nobody cares more about your money than you do... and YOU should be in charge of it.” That was my philosophy.

Alex’s research was really clear. He gave you all the details you needed to make a decision on whether you wanted to buy the stock or not.

And then I could make the trade. I was in control, and I liked that.

Not to mention... he always had a clear plan for how to get out of positions.

Alex, we talked about those Safety Switch Alerts earlier. They protected your readers during the financial crisis of 2008.

That’s the type of planning I really appreciate.

It’s the reason I’ve had success following your Communiqué.

I’ve made great money following your picks, especially that Berkshire Hathaway B Shares play that was a home run.

And, Alex, it appears you’re just getting better... I hope you are, because I’m still with you!

On July 1, 2020, you wrote, “The pandemic has affected almost every aspect of our lives, from what we do... to how we work... to where we live.

“Many sectors of the economy have experienced a disruptive impact...

“Our task as investors, of course, is to avoid potential losers and capitalize on the biggest gainers.

“A handful of innovators, for example, are transforming the business landscape, leading to a surge in their profits that will be reflected in their share prices.”

And, Alex, you said the Seattle-based company Zillow was facilitating a “great reshuffling” in real estate.

Sure enough, the stock shot up from $58 on July 1 to $69 by July 23.

And before that, you said in December 2018 that folks should buy biotech company MyoKardia.

You said the company’s revenue was increasing rapidly due to its revolutionary new treatments for cardiovascular disease.

The stock has more than doubled since.

But, Alex, you’re not always right.

Alex: No, unfortunately. But it’s important to be more right than wrong.

Bill: That’s exactly it. And what you’ve done for my own finances, and for the portfolios of so many everyday American folks... it’s unlike anything that I’ve seen.

That’s why I’m here today. This is important.

Bill O’Reilly: “I Want to See Hardworking Folks Achieve the American Dream.”

I want to share my experience with as many people as possible...

Because as part of this Great American Wealth Project broadcast... I want to see hardworking folks achieve the American Dream. It is simple. I don’t do this for anyone else.

So if you want to access the next great breakout stocks... the type of stock that can singlehandedly supercharge your entire portfolio...

And if you want to make to make a lot more money for your retirement...

You need to follow Alex’s program...

The people who consistently beat their benchmarks are not just lucky. If you do it long enough, it’s clearly evidence of skill.

If you feel stuck, Alex is the type of person who can help you achieve great wealth.

So how can our viewers get your next stock picks and follow your recommendations?

The Oxford Communiqué With Alex Green: Outperform the Markets by $700K+ Since 1993!!

Alex: I alert my readers to every single recommendation in my monthly publication, The Oxford Communiqué.

The goals of the Communiqué are simple and straightforward.

I aim to help readers...

  1. Maximize their income
  2. Minimize taxes
  3. At least double the broad market returns every year
  4. Minimize market risks
  5. And live a financially free life, without money worries and concerns.

My philosophy is simple when it comes to investing.

I don’t try to jump in and out of the markets constantly based on the media-driven news cycle. I don’t try to predict what crazy moves the Fed will make. Or who will get elected president.

Rather, I find perfect stocks that match my five criteria... companies that are truly changing our world by inventing new products, gaining worldwide market share and increasing revenues quarter after quarter.

That approach has led to massive returns like the $800,000 in profit one reader made on Celgene, starting in 2003...

The $1.2 million another made on Intuitive Surgical, starting in 2004...

And the more than $3 million in total profit another reader made by listening to all of my recommendations since 2009.

Getting your shot at big winners like this is easy if you follow my system.

And consistency is key too. Since 2001, our plays have averaged a 21% return, which could’ve turned a $150K stake into $1.25 million since 2001.

Simply put... you won’t want to miss my next big buy recommendation.

And I’ll tell you which new stock to buy each month in the new issue of the Communiqué.

Bill: Alex, the long-term performance of your Communiqué is impressive. 

I've got to show this statistic one more time. Since 2001, a $150,000 portfolio following ONLY your Communiqué picks would have grown to $1.25 MILLION

By comparison, that same stake in the S&P 500 would be worth only $534K

That’s more than a $700,000 difference. Just incredible.

And my understanding is that, along with everything else we’ve promised, you’re going to give everyone watching today a risk-free trial of The Oxford Communiqué.

Is that right?

Alex: That’s absolutely correct, Bill.

Get Everything Promised Today... With an IRONCLAD 365-Day Risk-Free Guarantee

Altogether in the Great American Wealth Blueprint...

This is a huge package...

You’ll receive a 365-day risk-free trial run in The Oxford Communiqué...

Along with that, you’ll get a three-part video series, Three Steps to Help Turbocharge Your Portfolio...

As well as these special reports...

  • “How to Profit From the #1 5G Megastock”
  • “How to Make a Fortune From This Electric Cancer-Fighter”
  • “The Top Cyber-Protector in a $124 BILLION Market”

Plus, you’re going to get a chance to get Bill’s brand-new book, The United States of Trump, FREE.

It’s a page-turner.

No anonymous sources. Five interviews with the president.

I couldn’t put the book down when I first read it.

It’s a fascinating inside look at Trump’s life, Bill.

Bill: I’ve known him for 30 years. He gave me an interview on Air Force One, and I appreciate his time... all five interviews he did with me.

But I don’t owe him anything other than telling the truth.

The United States of Trump is a history book.

Not pro-Trump, not anti-Trump.

And everyone watching can get it free today, along with the entire Great American Wealth Blueprint, when you subscribe to Alex’s newsletter.

In a moment, Corrina Sullivan with The Oxford Club is going to explain how to get everything we’ve mentioned today.

Alex assures me he’s set up a 365-day risk-free guarantee that ensures all the risk is on his shoulders. You’ll get details on that in a moment.

But before we hand it over to Corrina, let me say this...

You may be thinking that getting started with someone like Alex Green is expensive. 

It should be, but I want everyone to know that I asked Alex to give viewers the best deal his team at The Oxford Club has ever given...

As you'll see, we are talking about getting you started with Alex’s prized newsletter for less than a buck a week! A dollar.

That's incredibly inexpensive. It’s one of the things I love about Alex.

He cares about helping people and doesn’t need to charge an arm and a leg.

And for watching today, you also get my book for free. You are not going to find a better deal than this anywhere.

If you don’t like my book, you can come to my house and yell at me. This is a good book.

All in all, it’s just a phenomenal deal that’s been put together for our broadcast today.

Thank you to the viewers for taking part.

For Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist of The Oxford Club, I’m Bill O’Reilly in New York.

We’re turning it over to Corrina Sullivan with The Oxford Club.


Corrina: Hello, Bill. Hello, Alex.

I want to personally thank you for making this helpful information accessible to hardworking Americans.

Alex, I know that you want to make as many new millionaires as possible.

We’re talking big gains, right?

Alex: That’s right.

You know that there’s absolutely no reason why people can’t follow the proven steps to wealth creation.

If you work and if you save and if you’re willing to risk your money in great American companies, then...

You can be a big part of the American Dream.

Corrina: Alex, I know I recently shared this with you, and it’s a sad story.

Bill, I recently lost my mother-in-law to COVID-19. A tragic experience, really, but no one loved America more than her!

She had so much pride in our great country.

And Bill, I love how the two of you are working together to change the narrative...

And to flip the script.

Great things are in fact happening in our great nation.

Bill: Well, I’m sorry about your mom, Corrina. And I am on a mission.

And that’s why I hooked up with Alexander Green, because I was a subscriber early on, as we said, and all that.

But he writes things apart from finance.

He writes about his country with passion and heart.

And I picked up on that, and I said...

“You know what, when we get together, I’m going to have a lot of good discussions with
Alex about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

But for our purposes here, it is very important to me that every American understand that capitalism and investing can make their lives so much better.

And that’s what we’re doing right!

Alex: You’re absolutely right!

Corrina: Right!

Let’s take our money and let’s invest it wisely!

And I love that, Alex!

That’s the heart of it all.

And Bill, you’re saying, let’s do this.

We do have access to great things in this nation.

So let’s take advantage of it and let’s follow Alex’s lead.

Alex: Yeah, you know, Bill actually hit the nail on the head.

People don’t seem to realize this, but capitalism is the greatest engine of prosperity.

The greatest anti-poverty program. The greatest improver of people’s lives.

And what is capitalism?

Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production.

Most people don’t have the time, the money or the expertise to start their own company.

But anybody with even a small amount of money can own a piece of the most profitable businesses in the world through the stock market.

The stock market is the quintessence of capitalism.

You can be an average, everyday guy or gal and own a piece of all these great companies.

But they aren’t doing it!

It’s right there in front of them, and no one teaches them.

Their parents don’t know it, their teachers don’t know it...

 And they stumble out into the world.

And they’ve got their money in the bank at 0% interest, and they’re going...

“I’m not getting anywhere.”

Of course not!

They’ve got to earn a higher return by putting that money to work with a higher rate of return in the best companies in the world.

Corrina: Bill, I love that too. You followed Alex’s advice, Bill, and you’ve made financial strides, which is incredible.

And Alex, this can seem at times overwhelming for folks, I know.

Where do I start? What do I do?

Some people have dipped their toes in investing, and I love that...

I love how you take what’s complicated and you break it down and you make it simple.

So people know how to act and know where they can put their money and benefit.

Alex: Yeah, well, thanks for saying that.

I always feel like if someone can’t simplify something, they don’t really understand it.

And I remember being a beginner myself when I didn’t know the difference between a stock and a bond.

And so if someone’s saying, ”Gee, I just don’t know where to start,” I’m happy to show them, because I started myself, and I know how to begin too.

To start that snowball rolling, you know.

There was a biography of Warren Buffett that was written called The Snowball.

And the idea was to take a little ball of snow you keep rolling down the hill.

It turns into something big, and that’s how all fortunes are created – compounding.

So you can start with a small amount.

And as it builds up as the weeks and months and years go by, it turns into something substantial.

And it’s the difference between worrying about money and not having to worry about money.

That’s what true financial freedom is. It’s not how big your house is or how fancy your car is.

It’s not having to worry about the bills, not having to worry about whether you can live the life you want to live.

That’s what real financial freedom is.

Corrina: That’s right!

And Bill, you were passionate about making sure that what’s being offered today is accessible for most Americans.

Bill: Well, I think ­– and I know – that Americans don’t want to depend on government.

They don’t want handouts.

They want to be independent, and they want to prosper.

And I signed on to do this for one reason only: to bring the kind of information that can make people prosper directly to them.

I’m not buying the socialism, the Marxism.

I’m not buying any of that.

You go to, you watch me, you know that.

I sincerely want all Americans to have the best in life.

And I sincerely believe if they follow Alex Green’s advice and The Oxford Club’s advice, they can achieve that!

Corrina: Bill. Alex. Thank you both so much!

As Bill said, he insisted upon the best deal we can possibly give on everything promised in the blueprint today.


  • A one-year subscription to The Oxford Communiqué
  • The United States of Trump by Bill O’Reilly (a value of up to $89.99)
  • Three Steps to Help Turbocharge Your Portfolio video series ($499 value)
  • “How to Profit From the #1 5G Megastock” ($299 value)
  • “How to Make a Fortune From This Electric Cancer-Fighter” ($299 value)
  • “The Top Cyber-Protector in a $124 BILLION Market” ($299 value).

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You’ve heard from people who’ve become millionaires just by following Alex’s recommendations in the Communiqué.

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It’s just unbelievable.

With a one-year Communiqué subscription, you’ll get...

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  • Access to The Oxfordian Hotel Collection, where you can receive special discounts on luxurious hotels around the world
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All told, the total value of the Great American Wealth Blueprint, along with Bill O’Reilly’s book The United States of Trump, is $1,485.99!

Most people are surprised to discover that a full list-price subscription to the Communiqué – with all of these benefits promised today – is normally only $249.

That’s it. A total bargain at that price!

The money you could make from your special reports alone could pay for that subscription cost thousands of times over.

But you won’t even pay $249.

Alex and Bill discussed many of the hardships Americans are facing, even in this booming economy.

We refuse to let price be a barrier to entry.

That’s why we’re making this risk-free trial of the Communiqué available to you for only $49... that’s less than $1 per week!

Better yet... you’ll also get Alex Green’s IRONCLAD, 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee with your Communiqué subscription.

If for any reason you’re not fully satisfied, simply send the book back and you’ll get a FULL REFUND of your subscription fee. No questions asked.

Plus, you can keep everything else that you’ve received along the way (with the exception of your copy of The United States of Trump).

And we’re going to take it up a level...

We know the goal is to see new millionaires created, and we believe it’s going to happen.

You’ve seen how Alex’s Communiqué recommendations have turned a $150K portfolio into $1.25 MILLION since 2001.

So Alex wants to make sure you’re off and running toward that seven-figure goal with a DOUBLE-YOUR-MONEY GUARANTEE in your first year.

So if you’re starting with $100,000, Alex guarantees you’ll be able to add at least $100,000 more to your name by this time next year.

If you don’t see the chance to add at least double your portfolio over the next year per our track record, just call us up.

Alex will give you another EXTRA year of The Oxford Communiqué, completely free of charge.

To sum it all up...

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We’re at your beck and call should you have any questions. Just give us a call at 866.415.8492 or 443.353.4234, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. We’re fully dedicated to making sure your subscription runs smoothly.

So right now, you have two choices...

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On behalf of Bill O’Reilly, Alexander Green and The Oxford Club, I’m Corrina Sullivan.

I look forward to welcoming YOU as the newest Member of The Oxford Club.

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September 2020


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